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FW: Announcement of the initial WG ballot on IEEE P1904.4/D2.0

Dear IEEE 1904 Working Group members,


This is the announcement of the electronic IEEE 1904 Access Networks Working Group initial ballot on the IEEE P1904.4, the Standard for Service Interoperability in 25 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s Ethernet Passive Optical Networks.


Instructions for casting your ballot and submitting comments will be sent in separate email shortly.

The draft D2.0 of IEEE P1904.4 can be downloaded at the following URL:

(The username and password to access the draft are as announced during the working group meetings. Contact the WG Chair if you do not have these.)


The ballot group for this draft is the IEEE 1904.4 voting membership as of Tuesday, April 30th, 2024.




As a Working Group initial ballot, the scope of the ballot is the complete IEEE P1904.4 draft D2.0.



Tuesday, April 30th, 2024



Monday, June 3rd, 2024, 23:59 AOE


The Project Authorization Request for this Amendment is available at


Thank you,


Glen Kramer,

Chair, IEEE 1904, Access Networks Working Group


Curtis Knittle,

Chair, IEEE P1904.4 Task Force


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