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RE: proposed PAR P1904.3 "Radio-over-Ethernet"

Oops! That was supposed to go to our sponsor. I was just writing a similar e-mail to 1904 WG.


Judging by the current reservations, we won’t have the quorum in Wuhan. If more people register post-deadline, we will have a vote in Wuhan. If not, after the meeting, I will start an electronic vote to consider this PAR.


As I explained below, the NesCom pre-submission deadline is earlier than we can vote on the PAR. So, I will ask Jouni to submit the PAR to myProject to reserve a space on NesCom agenda in December. If either our WG or our Sponsor do not approve this PAR, we will pull it off the NesCom agenda.

Let me know if there are any questions.



Thank you,



From: stds-1904-wg@xxxxxxxx [mailto:stds-1904-wg@xxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Glen Kramer
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 1:17 PM
To: STDS-1904-WG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: proposed PAR P1904.3 "Radio-over-Ethernet"


Dear COM/SDB members,


This e-mail is just for your information at this time.

The IEEE 1904 Access Networks working group has received a request to consider a new PAR P1904.3 "Radio-over-Ethernet".


The Working Group has discussed this on the reflector and a number of clarifications were added to the PAR draft as a result of this discussion. The latest version of the draft PAR is attached.

Our plan is to further discuss and vote on this PAR at the next 1904 WG meeting, which will take place in Wuhan, China on October 21-23. (The vote may be taken electronically, as several people had Visa issues and won’t be able to attend.) After the vote, if the WG approves the PAR, I will submit a motion to COM/SDB to consider and approve this PAR.


However, the submission deadline for the NesCom December meeting is on October 20th. So, I plan to request the PAR authors to fill the PAR under myProject before the deadline. If either the 1904 WG or the COM/SDB does not approve this PAR, we will simply pull it off the NesCom agenda.

Please, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


Thank you,
