----------------------------------------- Commenter = Glen Kramer Affiliation = Broadcom SenderEmail = glen.kramer@broadcom.com SenderPhone = 7075290917 StandardRev = IEEE Std 1904.1-2013 SubclauseNumber = Page = 617 Rationale = Wrong context object is shown for the aQueueConfig attribute. The Context should be L-ONU (LLID) or UNI, but it is shown as ONU. It seems a mistake was introduced into the draft D2.4 unintentionally. The accepted contribution (rmtf_1607_kramer_2a.pdf) specified the context for aQueueConfig to be either LLID or UNI port. But the draft published after the meeting showed it as ONU, and the mistake wasn't noticed at that time. ProposedChange = In the sentence "The aQueueConfig attribute is associated with the ONU object (see" replace "ONU" with "LLID or UNI Port" Impact = None. -----------------------------------------