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[1904-ANWG] AGENDA: February 2019 Consensus Building Call

I have received three contributions for tomorrow’s call.

The agenda will be as follows:

1. (15 Minutes) Marek Hajduczenia:  P1904.2 draft structure
2. (45 Minutes) Glen Kramer: UMT Layering
3. (30 Minutes) Kevin Noll: Development of the Layering Diagram

All contributions are attached to this email.

Kevin A. Noll

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Attachment: tf2_1902_noll_layering_diagram_1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: tf2_1902_kramer_UMT_layering_2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: tf2_1902_standard_structure_1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document