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Update on eOAM attributes for the initial key exchange

Hi All,


I wanted to give you a brief update on the work on defining attributes for the initial key exchange. On 9/15 I shared the aInitialKeyMethod attribute. The attached document contains that attribute again (but with some updates) plus an attribute called aInitialKeyParameters.



These two attributes represent the Option #5 of the key exchange, as we discussed in



This option, it turns out, has a complication. One of the elliptic curves requires to exchange points, each of which consists of two 512-bit values. Thus, one such point occupies a maximum TLV size. We cannot pack a point together with a curve ID into one TLV (without complicating the parsing operation by using the sequence TLVs). Thus, it seems we have to switch to options #3 and #4. In other words, the Curve ID and points (public keys)  will be in separate attributes and will be carried in different TLVs. These TLVs can be sent in one OAMPDU (option #4) or in separate OAMPDUs (option #3).


Let me know if you have any feedback on this.


Thank you,


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