BBF/SIEPON Joint Workshop

26 June 2014

The emergence of a new generation of hybrid fiber–copper/coax access architectures, such as Fiber to the Distribution Point (FTTdp) and EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC), presents novel challenges to the industry. Included is the need to manage diverse network elements/devices in a holistic manner. Attendees will learn about recent developments in access-network standardization in CableLabs, the Broadband Forum, and the IEEE. This Workshop will investigate the differences and similarities of FTTdp and EPoC and will include discussions of possible solutions and future work alignment among the three SDOs.

Venue: CableLabs Headquarters
858 Coal Creek Circle
Louisville, CO 80027-9750
1-303-661-9100      Map


1st Morning Session — Standards Organizations’ Introductions Chair: Curtis Knittle, CableLabs
Start Time Duration Title Presenter File
9:00 AM 5 min Introductions
9:05 AM 5 min Agenda review
9:10 AM 15 min Introduction to CableLabs Dan Rice, Senior Vice-President, Network Technologies, CableLabs s1_rice_cablelabs.pdf
1.2MB | 27-Jun-2014 19:27:35 EDT
9:25 AM 15 min Introduction to the IEEE SA and certification Noelle Humenick, Director of Stakeholder Engagement, IEEE Standards Association s1_humenick_ieee_sa.pdf
807KB | 25-Jun-2014 23:25:06 EDT
9:40 AM 15 min Introduction to IEEE Conformance Assessment Program (ICAP) Ravi Subramaniam, Technical Director, IEEE Conformity Assessment Fostering s1_subramaniam_icap.pdf
1.4MB | 25-Jun-2014 00:13:10 EDT
9:55 AM 15 min Introduction to the Broadband Forum and certification Robin Mersh, CEO, The Broadband Forum s1_mersh_bbf.pdf
708KB | 24-Jun-2014 15:14:19 EDT
10:10 AM 20 min Coffee break
2nd Morning Session — Technology Introductions Chair: Christophe Alter
Start Time Duration Title Presenter File
10:30 AM 40 min Overview of the BBF access-network solution Christophe Alter, Technical Committee Chair, The Broadband Forum s2_alter_access.pdf
919KB | 27-Jun-2014 19:20:17 EDT
11:10 AM 40 min Overview of the DPoG and DPoE access-network solutions Curtis Knittle, CableLabs, Chair, DPoE specifications s2_knittle_dpoe.pdf
2.3MB | 25-Jun-2014 00:10:11 EDT
11:50 AM 20 min Overview of IEEE P1904.1 Standard for Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON) Glen Kramer, Chair, IEEE 1904.1 SIEPON Working Group s2_kramer_siepon.pdf
1.3MB | 20-Jun-2014 19:04:29 EDT
12:10 PM 20 min IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) for SIEPON Raziel Gabe, Vice-Chair, SIEPON Conformity Assessmemnt Steering Group s2_gabe_casg.pdf
829KB | 24-Jun-2014 20:06:47 EDT
12:30 PM 1 hr Lunch
1st Afternoon Session — Active Projects and Problem Statements Chair: Michael Shaffer
Start Time Duration Title Presenter File
1:30 PM 20 min Introduction to BBF Fiber to the Distribution Point Michael Shaffer, Chair, Fiber Access Network Working Group, The Broadband Forum s3_shaffer_fttdp.pdf
109KB | 27-Jun-2014 19:24:53 EDT
1:50 PM 20 min Management Architecture and Requirements for FTTdp Christopher Croot, Co-Chair, Operations and Network Management Working Group, The Broadband Forum s3_croot_fttdp_man.pdf
413KB | 27-Jun-2014 19:15:59 EDT
2:10 PM 20 min Introduction to CPE Management (TR-069) Jason Walls, Co-Chair, BroadbandHome™ Working Group, The Broadband Forum s3_walls_tr069.pdf
632KB | 27-Jun-2014 19:17:37 EDT
2:30 PM 20 min Introduction to IEEE 802.3bn ‐ EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC) Mark Laubach, Chair, IEEE 802.3bn EPoC Task Force s3_laubach_epoc.pdf
645KB | 27-Jun-2014 19:21:39 EDT
3:00 PM 20 min Coffee break
2nd Afternoon Session — Potential Solutions Chair: Glen Kramer
Start Time Duration Title Presenter File
3:20 PM 25 min Introduction to IEEE P1904.2 ‐ Management Channel for CPE in Ethernet Access Networks Glen Kramer s4_kramer_1904_2.pdf
1.3MB | 20-Jun-2014 19:02:05 EDT
3:45 PM 1 hr 15 min Open discussion / path forward
5:00 PM Adjourn

Modified: 26-Jan-2015